Sunday, October 3, 2010

An Hundred Pence

Recently two friends have taken the time to search me (and my books) out on the internet and have not only taken the time to read through these blogs and my website, but have also commented how much they liked what I have written and included thus far. For a writer there is no higher compliment and motivator.

One of them was even kind enough to say that my excuse for why I have not updated or written more was just that: an excuse. I should be sharing my thoughts and writing more. There is always enough time. The trick is using and organizing that time more effectively to do what is most important in one's life.

So today's lesson from the Gospel According to Guy stems from personal experience and which subject has been on my mind of late - especially this past week and particularly yesterday.

For a little over a year my mind has been weighed with the parable found in Matthew 18: 21-35. In this account, a servant owes his lord/master a sum of 10,000 talents. Now, it is interesting to note that according to several sources, the equivalent of one talent, by today's gold value and economy, is over $1 million dollars. Multiply this by 10,000, and you have a servant who owes his master $10 trillion dollars! I think it is no mistake that this enormous and incomprehensible sum is used for the lesson of the parable. ANYWAY... When the servant couldn't pay it back the master applied the law which called for the selling of the servant, the servant's wife, and the servant's children (all he had) to repay the debt.

"The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all."

Not likely, given the sum that he owed, but consider the master's response. "Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt."

Truly, as only the Master to us all could....

But here is where this account has special implication to us (me). Then that servant found one of his own servants who owed him an hundred pence. Again, according to sources, a pence is equal to about .16 cents. Times that by 100 and you have him owing this servant $16. And when this lesser servant couldn't repay it the servant ignored his plea for more time to repay the debt, applied the law, and had him cast into prison until the debt could be repaid. When the master heard of what his servant (whom he had forgiven a large debt) had done to another who owed him a meager amount, the master "was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him."

I have had much forgive over the past years, and despite this weight and burden that was lifted from my shoulders and removed from my life, I find myself struggling to truly forgive those who may have offended or owe me little (in comparison). I suspect I am not alone in this struggle, but I hope that I can overcome these feelings, let them alone, and mete out even the small amount of forgiveness that I can muster.

And that's...the Gospel According to Guy

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Perfection Myth

I venture this next topic with some trepidation. The decision to leave one's faith behind and trade it for something else is never a decision made lightly. I suspect (and hope) it is reached only by long, serious, consideration, and my words here are in no way meant to make light of it. It is a serious matter and is between each of us and God alone.

This being said, I have to ask myself, "Why is it that so many people think that one must be perfect, or at least have attained some "level" of perfection before they can attend or return to church?" I'll use common challenges with the Word of Wisdom to explain what I mean.

At one point or another in each of our lives (none of us are exempt from this, by the way) we must all face challenges or temptations that will test our very souls. There are many, including dishonesty, pride, finding fault, being judgmental, cheating, gambling, etc. It is interesting to note that most of these "big" challenges in our lives are addictive in nature. One lie leads to another; gossipping about one neighbor leads to gossip about the entire neighborhood; cheating someone (and getting away with it) only makes it that much easier to do the next time the opportunity presents itself; and the list goes on and on. But like I said earlier, I want to use the common problems many of us face with respect to the Word of Wisdom.

Why is it that once sometime starts drinking, or picks up a cigarette, they seem to abandon their faith, check it at the door, and think that they can't return to it? When our building was dedicated, the General Authority who offered the dedicatory prayer blessed the building that it would smell of smoke. What a wonderful blessing to witness. Contrary to what critics want to believe, Church is not for the perfect. We all have faults and sins--though not all of them have a undeniable smell of cigarette smoke or alcohol on the breath. Wouldn't it be interesting if lying had a particular smell that lingered on your clothes and your hair? Or pornography addiction? Or yelling at your kids? Or not paying your tithing?

Show me where the Lord ever said that once you start drinking or smoking you are no longer welcome in His house. He never did--and He never will. But the one who wants to see you suffer, even as he does, would prefer if you never again set foot in a house of God. "For the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray."

I have a close friend, a man who I look up to and admire and hang on every word that comes out of his mouth at Church and elsewhere, who recently talked about a Home Teacher he had all growing up who struggled with smoking. Though he smoked, he never missed a month, and was always there when someone in his family needed a blessing. Now, this might be surprising to more than a few of us, and may even border on blasphemy. Am I saying that a man who was ordained an Elder in the Melchizedek priesthood who smokes or drinks can administer and give a blessing? You bet I am!

I recall a story I heard years ago about President Monson who visited an old friend of his in the hospital. This man's son, who had been inactive and was not living what he considered a "righteous life", was there, as well. When the friend asked for a blessing, the man's son declined, saying that he wasn't worthy anymore to use the priesthood, to which President Monson replied, "Well, can you be worthy for ten minutes while we give him a blessing?"

Deciding to live a life not in complete harmony with the teachings of the Church, whether it be following the Word of Wisdom or some other challenge to overcome (See The Natural Man blog), does not automatically mean you can't still come to church, that you can't still try to do your best in every aspect of your life. And if you don't think that you can or even want to return to church, if you are deciding to abandon or trade your faith over this one thing, I would urge you to stop and consider who it is that wants you to think this way.

Life and faith is not an "all or nothing" game. We each take it in pieces, a little bit at a time, working on one area of our life at a time, correcting the small faults before attacking the big ones. To deny yourself the strength and help of heaven as you struggle to find happiness here on earth is a sure way to ultimate misery.

Come back. We'll take the whole "You"--challenges and all. And if any self-righteous church-goers look down on the fact that you are sitting on the pew in front of them, so be it--that's their problem to overcome, not yours.

And that's...

...the Gospel According to Guy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The "Natural" Man...

You know, there is a reason that our carnal, selfish, purely pleasurable "self" is called the "Natural Man." It does seem almost "natural" to have these urges, to enjoy social and other activities, and think that, "Well, this is just me, it's who I am" and then protest when someone, or religion, or even God, Himself, asks you to deny this natural man, this "who you are" and trade it for something of infinitely greater worth, pleasure, and joy.

So, should we try to be someone we're not? Should we deny the way we are, when we are (or think we are) happy this way? YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!!

This struggle to deny the Natural Man is why we are here, it is our test.

"But," you say, "I can't imagine God keeping me out of heaven because I drink a glass of wine with dinner or go out after work with the guys for a beer," and, you know, you're probably right--having a drink won't keep you out of Heaven but disobedience will. Not that anyone is perfect--we all have faults and sins we need to work on, but we all need to ask ourselves (and pay close attention to the answer) if we are trying. We have all fallen short of the Kingdom of God, and we all need the atonement to "bridge the gap" to perfection, but to not even try because the Natural Man feels so good and feels like "who you are" just flies in the face of reason.

Never confuse the Natural Man with who you are. You are a son or daughter of God; you are deity passing through mortality to prove to God that you can deny the flesh (so to speak) and choose--no matter how hard it is--to be better, to rise above the base desires and pleasures of the flesh and trade what might make you feel good right now for what will bring you utter joy and happiness for eternities to come.
And this is...the gospel according to Guy

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Liar and a Deceiver

Now, I want to say right up front that this blog entry goes against a standing philosophy and practice I've had for years, and that is not to give the adversary the time of day, let along make him a topic of conversation, but Natalie and I were talking a few days ago and some of what we discussed has resonated with me since. I thought I'd share it.

The gist of what we were talking about was that the adversary (Satan, the devil, call him what you may), despite what he wants you to believe, HATES us. You, me, and everyone who followed Christ in the pre-existence and, as a result, were given a chance at mortality (something he and his angels were denied and will never experience).

When I was younger, I believed (falsely) that somehow God and the devil both wanted our souls, and that we were somehow pawns (in a way) in some larger, eternal struggle. I remember having the thoughts that perhaps the devil cared about us in some way if he wanted us to live with him.

I could not have been more wrong!

The adversary doesn't like or even want us living with him -- he just doesn't want God to have us. When you see his awful plan from this perspective, it should more squarely put you on God's side, knowing that he doesn't now, nor has he ever, cared about you or even liked you and that his sole purpose is not to "win" you to his side, but to hurt you and I and God by making sure that if he can't win, then we and God shouldn't win, either.

He deserves no pity; we should never feel that somehow he wants what's best for us ("C'mon, you'll be happier if you don't have so many commandments to follow--look how fun it is--life's meant to be fun, isn't it...?") If he can prevent even one son or daughter of God (you and me) from being able to return to the presence of God, our loving Father...if he can lie to us and tell us in our darkest hours that he somehow cares more about us that God does...I imagine this brings a twisted, sickening, demented smile to his parched lips knowing that he will never see you again in the Here-after, but at least God won't either.

It makes me want to echo the words of the Master, even Jesus Christ, when he was tempted in the wilderness, "Get thee hence!"

...the Gospel According to Guy...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

So, Who Ya Gonna Believe...?

I had an interesting conversation the other day with a good friend of mine on the topic of religion and why, when so many of his friends reach age 40 or so, they start doubting the Church, their faith, and all things therein. It was an engaging conversation, to say the least. How to do you respond to people who have "learned" something that in some way disproves the authenticity of the Church, or that Joseph Smith was a prophet and saw and did what he said he did. Many of the people I (and he) know who leave the Church are very intelligent "thinkers" who have learned or uncovered something that, at least on the surface, appears to be at odds with their faith or the teachings or history of the Church. And in the face of scientific or other "proof" they can't live a lie and leave thinking that it is the right (only) thing to do.

One example is that of the Book of Mormon and the "Spaulding Papers." Now, I have to admit some level of ignorance on this subject, but from what I can tell, these papers are a fictional and historic account of the Native American mound-builders, and includes some parallels to some accounts given the Book of Mormon. There, some would say, evidence that Joseph Smith was a fraud and not a prophet, after all, the Spaulding papers were written (though unpublished) before the Book of Mormon. Right? Not quite. Without countering with proof and evidence of my own to "prove" the Book of Mormon correct (which, by the way, cannot be done) I offer this simple question: Is it possible that the adversary, knowing full well what was about to happen, could have "inspired" a story similar to that of the accounts contained in the Book of Mormon? Isn't it probable that he would do everything in his power to discredit the works of God even before they were completed? If you are spiritual and religious at all, you have to admit that this is possible. So, who are you going to believe?

And then there is all that scientific evidence that might cause some doubt about the truth of Christianity, Joseph Smith, the ancient American inhabitants and their connection to the Book of Mormon accounts, and the list goes on and on. What can you say when the evidence and proof is right there? Again, who ya gonna believe? According to James Burke, renowned science historian, throughout history and at any give point in time that upwards of 90% of scientific facts, what the world knew to be true, was dead wrong. His PBS series and book, The Day the Universe Changed, illustrates this point very well. If science has been wrong 90% of the time at any give point in time, what makes our time so different. Isn't it possible that what we have learned, what has been proved (theoretically or otherwise) could be incorrect?

We live in the last days, where "evils and and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days...." Why are so many so quick to accept "facts" to disprove or discredit good men and their faith and turn their backs on spiritual matters. To borrow from the prophet Alma, "if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?" And then from Moroni, the counsel to "remember" what the Lord has done for the children of men since the beginning of time. He is unchanging, unlike science and its "facts." So why are the opponents fo the Church always assumed to be "right"? Who made them the "experts" on our faith?

But in the end, it is not about physical or scientific proof, anyway. These same people, often Christians, who try to disprove the miraculous events surrounding the restoration of the Gospel because of a lack or contrary "evidence" fail to remember that they based their own beliefs on faith, without any hard evidence to support them, as well. We all believe that Jesus died, was buried, and then rose again the third day--but where is the proof? There isn't any. All we have is spiritual evidence. When Jesus told his apostles that was leaving them but he was not leaving them alone--he would send them the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, to testify of the truth. He didn't leave an 800 page account "proving" that he was the savior of the world--he left them, and us, the Holy Spirit.

It is what I have said many times over the years, sometimes we have to answer the "right" question or the question that should have been asked. It is not our burdon to "prove" the Church is true, or that Joseph Smith was a prophet, or that doctrine has remained constant--in fact, we couldn't even if we tried. Sometimes we may "learn" things that seem contrary to the teachings, beliefs, or faith that have and we have an obligation to search them out in our mind and then to pray about them. The Lord will answer our petitions, and will fill us with that comfort that we are, indeed, following in faith.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Wrestling with God

I just finished reading Paulo Coelho's The Fifth Mountain for the 2nd or 3rd time and am walking away from it having been inspired in new ways. On a side note, every time I read his masterpiece, The Alchemist, I get something new out of it, much like reading scripture or your patriarchal blessing--you read and "hear" new things based on your life experience and spiritual readiness. The old saying, "The master will appear when the student is ready" has been true throughout my life.

For you who have not read this work, The Fifth Mountain is a story about Elijah (from the Old Testament). Coelho portrays him as a reluctant prophet, one who heard the voice of the Lord when he was young but his parents were not supportive of this "gift" and pursuaded him to ignore the voices he heard and work as a carpenter. For years the Lord had been silent in his life and then he is commanded to appear before Ahab and Jezebel and tell them that the Lord was going to seal the heavens until the time that Israel stopped the worship of the false god, Baal, and return to the Lord. Of course, he is hated by Jezebel and hunted and Elijah flees the land. This book is about where he goes and what he does while he is in exile.

A couple of thoughts prevailed with me during this reading. The first one is that many of us doubt our talents or "calling" in life. When we are young we are not afriad to dream and all know what we want to be "when we grow up." These goals are almost always based on what we enjoy doing or respect, but as we get older we start to doubt ourselves and start seeing the world in a darker, less opportunistic way. We take a job because we need the money, maybe become comfortable in the routine--even if we don't enjoy it--and forget our dreams. And then when the chance comes to pursue our dreams again, fear sets in, and that doubt becomes enough to snuff out the tiny flame of hope and our dreams. Consider the following:

"Fear exists until the moment when the unavoidable happens. After that, we must waste none of our energy on it."
"Every man hath the right to doubt his task, and to forsake it from time to time; but what he must not do is forget it. Whoever doubteth not himself is unworthy—for in his unquestioning belief in his ability, he commiteth the sin of pride. Blessed are they who go through moments of indecision."

This story line has hit me hard right now in my life, considering the possibilities that are looming out there to write full time and my fears and doubts about my abilities and whether I can actually do it. These few words give me great comfort.

The other story line I want to comment on is the theme of "Wrestling with God." The book recounts and incorporates the story from Genesis 32 when Jacob (as in Abraham, Isaac, and Jacoc) wrestles with a messenger from God and refuses to let him go until he blesses him and his household. "I will not let thee go, except thou bless me." This messenger then blesses him and changes his name from Jacob to Israel. This concept, as odd as it might sound (especially at first), of "wrestling" with God aptly describes the way many of us feel when things don't go the way we expected, or when tragedy (in one form or another) strikes us. The book makes the point that we all must "wrestle" with God at these times in our lives and we must have the courage and strength to not "let go" until He blesses us. It adds new dimension to the concept of enduring to the end.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ironic, isn't it?

I was reading in the book, The Fifth Mountain, by Paulo Coelho (the author of The Alchemist) the account of Elijah when he was commanded by the Lord to go and say to King Ahab that until the children of Israel stopped their worship of Baal that the skies would be sealed and no rain would fall. I was reminded when reading this account that Baal was the Phoenician god of rain. Ironic, isn't it, that the Lord would send a prophet to say (in essence): You want to worship a false god of rain, then no rain for you!

Just a quick note I wanted to share.